Hipodrom Wola


Hippodrome Wola is an ideally located area for organizing all kinds of outdoor events. It is located in the Wola district, near Lutycka Street, a place very well connected to the city center. It is 18 hectares of open areas with the possibility of organizing sports events, picnics, concerts and other outdoor events.

Na terenie Hipodromu Wola możemy zorganizować dowolne wydarzenia plenerowe - od A do Z. Fantazyjne występy, konkursy, koncerty, zawody sportowe i inne atrakcje na pięknym, zielonym terenie.


Are you interested in organizing an event at the Wola Hippodrome? Contact us!

Agnieszka Napierała
Agnieszka Napierała
Coordinator for cultural events and events
Jędrzej Ciszak
Jędrzej Ciszak
Sales and Customer Relations Specialist